STCC E-Mail Setup

We can give every member their own e-mail address.  It will be your STCC first and last name, separated by a period. For example:

With that, comes some choices... we have THREE options for what you would like to do with your e-mail: 

1) We can create a FORWARDER so that any email sent to your name will automatically get sent to your "main/home" e-mail address. You will not be able to send e-mail using your STCC e-mail address if you select this option only. 

2) We can create a STCC MAILBOX for you so you can receive STCC e-mail and SEND e-mail from your STCC e-mail name.  You will be able to do this by using either our webmail, or by setting up your e-mail program (Outlook, Apple Mail, maybe even gmail) with your STCC POP/IMAP account.  Gist is: If you want to send e-mail from your STCC e-mail address... you need option #2. Then, use of web mail might be the easiest, or you can setup your client to get the mail as well. 

3) This option is #1 and #2 together, and is what I would suggest that most casual/webmail users select. This way, you'll get any STCC e-mail in your main e-mail, but you'll then be able to sign-in toread and/or send e-mails. This way, you are more likely to see the email messages. 


("You're asking me for a password?!?!"  --  Yea! - there is no way to allow you to change your email password...therefore, I could either randomly assign one to you, or allow you to select one. Once you provide that to me, it will be entered into the website, and "destroyed" so I will not know it any longer).


Members E-Mail Survey
"Real" First Name
E-Mail Choice
 1 - Forward STCC e-mail to my main email
 2 - Create a STCC e-mail box
 3 - Forward & Create an STCC e-mail box
"Real" Last Name
STCC Given First Name
STCC Given Last Name
Main E-Mail Address
Preferred Phone Number
Secondary Phone Number
Type (2)
Desired E-Mail Password